real hydration drink

When you think of real hydration drink, water probably comes to mind. But you may be surprised to find that the market is rife with flavored beverages that aren’t actually water. Whether it’s an electrolyte drink, coconut water or powder mixes, the drinks are designed to replace fluids and boost energy levels. They all can have a place in your diet, but it’s important to know what you’re drinking and why.

If you grew up chugging candy hued sports drinks after hard practice or running a fast mile in P.E., you may remember that a sports drink was necessary to replenish lost electrolytes. These days, however, kids participating in mild to moderate intensity exercise rarely need a sports drink, says Pediatrician Dr. Nisha Naidoo. In fact, kids can get more than enough electrolytes from foods such as fruits, vegetables and dairy.

Quenching Thirst, Fueling Performance: The Science Behind Real Hydration Drinks

A sports drink has moderate levels of electrolytes like magnesium and potassium, but it also contains a significant amount of sugar and can contain a lot of sodium. And, even though a sports drink is often promoted as a health beverage, it’s not recommended for children.

There are many healthier ways to stay hydrated including fruit juices, tea, and seltzer. And if you do want to add flavor, try adding a lemon slice or mint leaves to your water. It’s a healthy way to keep your water interesting without consuming a lot of extra sugar or artificial sweeteners.