ดูรายละเอียด are a subset of the video game genre that require Internet connection. They can be browser-based (no installation required) or downloadable video game titles that incorporate online connectivity components. Some feature multiplayer participation in real time for enhanced coordination and socialization. Some even allow players to make purchases and exchange virtual items.

In recent years, online gaming has grown in popularity. Various factors contribute to this surge in popularity, including a greater emphasis on interactive gaming and the emergence of gaming platforms that allow players to connect with others in ways that were previously unimaginable.

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Many online games help children and adults develop cognitive skills, such as memory and responsiveness, by providing a fun challenge to users and encouraging them to keep coming back for more. Online puzzle games are particularly popular and can help users develop their problem-solving skills, while other games may require concentration and multitasking to succeed. Online board games are another popular choice, as they can be played on computers or smartphones and provide a chance to socialize with friends in a different setting.

While many online games can be a great source of entertainment, some can be highly addictive. They can cause people to spend excessive amounts of time playing and center their daily lives around them, which can lead to negative physical and mental health consequences. Additionally, the violent content of some games can desensitize kids to violence and trigger aggressive behavior.